About That Time We Hitch-Hiked Off Of the Reservation

James won an incentive trip to San Diego, which meant one week of kid-free adult time. For once I wasn’t mommy or an employee, I was just James’ wife. Boy was he in for a treat. While James worked, I read and explored. When we were together, we set off on adventures (likely more adventurous than James was hoping for). I’m not sure if James loves or hates for my spontaneity and sometimes bad judgement. But I do know everything always works out ok in the end… I’ll explain…

Saturday and San Diego were all ours. After reading a little bit on Saturday morning, James and I got breakfast and set off to go Zip lining. I saw that my aunt who is well into her 70s had gone and thought it seemed like a fun idea. The name of the Zipline place was called "La Jolla Zip Zoom" and it is located on an Indian reservation. There's a city named La Jolla (which James and I have both been to and loved) which is a 20 minute drive away from the San Diego hotel we stayed in. When I booked the reservations, I assumed (see what I did there? assumed) the Zipline place named “La Jolla” was in La Jolla... Turns out, it wasn't. It was actually located in the Palomar Mountains, which is more like a 90 minute drive and an $80 Lyft ride away. James seemed a little miffed that I didn't look up those details beforehand (I can't imagine why), but he was a good sport, we adjusted our Zipline reservation time, and off we went. 

As we set into the Lyft for our 1.5 hour ride, I noticed the lady Lyft driver, Celeste, had a stone on a necklace hanging from her mirror and pink signs up. The signs said "I may be psychic... But I can't read your mind on what you want on the radio, AC temp, etc so tell me." The bottom of the signs advertised her business, "Healing through a Mother's Touch" and her business cards advertised that she reads fortunes, tarot cards, angel readings, etc.

So, we were in the car with a Psychic. The same kind Bill Johnson talked about in the book I was reading,"When Heaven Invades Earth.” Some may find psychics harmless, but I’ve always learned if you hear something “spiritually” that doesn’t line up with Biblical truths, be aware. I was at that weird phase in my Christian walk where I was still trying to sort out my feelings on these sorts of things so cue confused face and the Clauser Stare. 

Celeste talked a little about her kids and where she was from but didn't bring up her Psychic job... James didn't pick up on the fact that she was a psychic but did pick up on the fact that as we climbed higher into the mountains, the Lyft cost climbed higher as well. Seriously, y’all, pray for that Financial Advisor’s Heart. He already has high blood pressure and can’t handle those sorts of unexpected costs. Ride, plus tips meant a $100 Lyft ride. (Thankfully James’ heart withstood the expense and I think he only used his go-to-phrase of “we are always purging money” once or twice). 

We arrived at the Zipline place and noticed we had no cell phone reception. Celeste informed us we were out of range for any Lyft pick-ups (information that would have been nice to know before we left the hotel- where were you on that one psychic?). Celeste walked inside with us and gave her card to the desk worker and told them her “mother intuition” wouldn't let her leave us and to call her when we were done. And I again thought, if you were a real psychic wouldn’t you know when we were done before we called?Anyways….

The story continues. The Indians who worked on the reservation were very nice. There were about 10 people Zip lining with us and they all seemed quiet and just enjoying their Saturday's. 

We suited up and waited for our turn to depart on a truck that would drive us to the top of the mountain where we would do our first flight.

The Indian reservations had campgrounds. As we waited for flight I noticed a few campers- people who looked like hippies (to which I thought, “groovy”).… Then a few minutes later another camper- a person with curly colorful hair- like a clown (to which I thought, “weird”).… Then a lady with braids coming straight from her head like medusa…. Ok what’s happening?

Is this what California people are like? Is this what Native Americans are like? No wonder people use the politically-not-correct phrase “off the reservation”....Is God mocking me? For sure He’s laughing…..  

We hopped aboard the truck, and Bianca, our Indian zip line guide, a tribal member who lives there (and could clearly see our curiosity) explained.... The people we saw were attending the "YOUtopia" rave. It was an event of 5,000 people where everyone was invited to celebrate themselves and express themselves without boundaries. She made it very clear that, YOUtopia was not affiliated with the Indians, tribal members, reservation residents, or Native Americans. 

Bianca explained that the tribal members who live on the reservation didn't particularly like this event because it interrupted their peace, their land, and often the event attendees would wander into the woods putting themselves at risk for being eaten by wild animals. It was clear that a higher authority authorized the yearly rave against the wishes of the residents and workers.

I won't go into detail, but you can imagine what goes on at those festivals. Pretty much we were suited-up to go zip lining over men wearing nothing but Tutus and women freely expressing themselves. You are welcome, James, you are welcome. 

As we finished the last of 3 zip lines we landed over a river flowing through the mountains, it was beautiful. I was so thankful for God's creations! We walked back to the check-in desk.

Because we did not have cell phone reception, we used the reservation phone to call Celeste. Her mother-intuition and psychic abilities were both put to the test and failed. No answer. Crap, how will we get back? We phoned another cab driver and that was a no-go, so I stood there looking at a worker and praying in my head- within a few minutes the manager approached and said, “Lonnie and Luke will drive you to the nearest hotel and casino where you will be back in cell phone range and should be to call a cab.” Who would have thought I'd be Praising God for a ride to the casino! 

Lonnie and Luke were both tribe members who lived on the reservation. They were both married with children and were two of the friendliest people I've ever met. When we told them we were from Texas, Lonnie explained that he lived 9 years in Texas and loved it! It was so nice being back in familiar territory. They refused our tips- and we didn't want to offend so we planned to send them a nice thank you gift for letting us hitch a ride.

We entered the casino, called the cab, and James asked if he could play the slots while we waited for the cab. I wanted to say no, because you know gambling God’s money- but I didn’t have a leg to stand on because at that point I had already put us in the car with a physic, put us in the middle of a rave, and left us as hitch-hikers- so the fact he was even asking for my opinion was beyond me...

James put $20 into a slot machine and won $200, JACK POT AND PRAISE THE LORD. Normal blood pressure levels restored as that money eased the pain of the expensive "Lyft" rides to and from the mountain that was not La Jolla the city.

Just then, Joel drove up in a mini-van that looked like a chariot. Joel was a family man, and offered us a water or soda. Joel shared his love of Christ and the strength Christ gave his family after the death of his sister. Joel was our angel. Our large, Lyft driving angel. Joel dropped us off on the beach where James and I walked, laughed, grabbed dinner, and headed back to the hotel. 

We were in bed by 8 pm that night. What a day! 

We landed back in San Antonio on Sunday and came home to a cooked dinner, happy kids, a broken down car, and a frozen AC unit. We were Praising God once more!!! The AC unit meant one more day of vacation for me…and the broken down car meant one more chance to hitchhike (just kidding honey, just kidding). 


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